Six Week Training in PHP in ChandigarhSix Week Training in PHP in Chandigarh
Six Week Training in PHP in Chandigarh
Six Week Training in PHP in Chandigarh
Six Week Training in PHP in Chandigarh

About Gaurav Minocha

Gaurav MinochaGaurav Minocha is an MCA postgraduate engineer who is an avid C++ and C# programmer. Recently, he engineered a C++ encryption project for an offshore e-book company. He has proven his ability to gather information from various sources and create unique content. He is committed to achieving ambitious goals. He has a great interest in finding short-cuts to aptitude questions.

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Six Week Training in PHP in Chandigarh

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PHP is similar to C in syntax. PHP is a scripting language[like we have javascript], whereas C is a compiled langauge.

The same +, -, /, * += , assignment, post-pre-fix, comparison, logical &&, |, etc. operators work in PHP also.

The real power of PHP comes from its functions. In PHP, there are more than 700 built-in functions. To add more functionality to a function, we can add parameters. A parameter is just like a variable. Parameters are specified after the function name, inside the parentheses.

Hoven's Six Month Industrial Training in Chandigarh covers these fundamental concepts in professional detail. You can also join PHP Training in Chandigarh to become a professional PHP developer. Hoven Trainings Video Channel | Features of Six Month Industrial Training @Hoven

Post by Hoven on 06-Feb-2025

User Reviews

Six Week Training in PHP in Chandigarh Reviewed by Ramanjit Singh on. Best Programming Samples to Clarify Concepts. Rating: 4.92. At times, I wonder how this training company can come up with some unique solution whenever I am in trouble with my domain subject. Let me start by saying that I don't know Hoven at all. But that guy is the best presenter I've seen on any course. I've used learnt from him since second semester and he is by far the best. Explanations are just awesome!
Ramanjit Singh

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