Android Training in ChandigarhAndroid Training in Chandigarh
Android Training in Chandigarh
Android Training in Chandigarh
Android Training in Chandigarh
>> >> Industrial Training in Android

Industrial Training in Android

Duration 8 weeks, Hoven Courses, Venue: Hoven. Limited Seats, Register Now !
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Android Training in Chandigarh
  1. Installing Android.
  2. Features of the Android OS, Architecture, Dalvik Virtual Machine, Eclipse to Android
  3. First Android Project, Android Directories and Files, Android Manifest, Activity Class, Emulator, LogCat
  4. Single Activity App, Relative Layout, Writing the layout XML, Various UI Classes
  5. Android Intents, Intent-Filter, Contents of an Intent, Explicit and Implicit Intents
  6. Multi-Activity Apps, Launching the Map Activity, Searching a Place, Dialing and Calling
  7. Android MessageBoxes, Toasts, YesNo Alert, Dropdown Alert, Picker Dialogs, Notification, Vibrating Alerts, Custom Toasts
  8. ViewGroups, LinearLayout, AbsoluteLayout, TableLayout, ScrollLayout, GridView and ListView
  9. Android Tasks, Programmatic access to a View, Activity level Events, View Level Click, and other Events, binding with Intellisense
  10. SQLLite Database and Database Connectivity

    Hoven's Tutorial on Android Intent

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  11. Android Views - Buttons, EditText, AutoCompleteTextView, CheckBox, RadioButtons, ToggleButton, Switch, Spinners, RatingBar, Chronometer, WebView, ImageView, CalendarView, Analog and Digital Clocks, ViewFlipper, Gallery.
  12. ActionBar
  13. SharedPreferences
  14. Content Providers, Using them and Creating them
  15. ContactsProvider and PhoneLookup Table
  16. SMS and EMail Services, Broadcast Receivers
  17. Bluetooth
  18. Sensors, Sensor Coordinate System, Sensor Framework, Accelerometers, Gravity Sensors, Gyroscopes, Rotational Vector Sensors, Barometers, Photomters, Magnetometers.
  19. Location Based Services, Reverse GeoCoding, "Where Am I" App
  20. Changes to Device Orientation
  21. Android Services
  22. StrictMode Multithreading
  23. Populating ListView Asynchronously
  24. Android Multimedia, Playing video from SD Card, Playing Video from Media Gallery, Un-interupted play during orientation changes to the device.
  25. Social Media Integration, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, MySpace, Yahoo, Yammer:
    1. Update Status and Share Message

      Hoven's Facebook Android Integration

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    2. Reading Profile
    3. Reading Contacts
    4. Reading Feeds
    5. Getting Albums
    6. Uploading Photo
    7. Signout
  26. JSON Android Integration - Watch One of Our Youtube Examples on JSON
  27. Telnet testing and DDMS
  28. Live Project using Google APIs for complete understanding of concepts, especially SQLite
  29. You will be given Hoven's Books + Video Lectures + Eclipse IDE + Android SDKs + Google APIs + SQLite Connectivity Tools. All these will be installed on your own laptop so that you can have ample practice during/after the course.

Hoven's Android Titles on Google Play Store

Frequently Asked Questions

Which IDE will be Used ?

Eclipse IDE.

What is the Training Method ?

Lecture to Practical Ratio is 20:80, so students must bring laptops daily.

Who Should Attend ?

Programmers, engineers, architects and those involved in the development of complex enterprise-level Android applications. You must be familiar with Core Java. BCA/MCA/BTECH qualification in IT and Computer field is a MUST.

When is Fees Payable ?

Fees can be paid after attending the course for 2-weeks. You can opt for instalment plans also.

Related Hoven Courses

  1. Industrial Training in JAVA
  2. Advanced Java, Spring, Hibernate

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Android Training in Chandigarh

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Where should I get trained for JAVA ? This is a question that will be in your mind once you reach your final semesters. There are a number of options with each having its pros and cons -
  1. Training is possible at a Software Company, but you should look for a company that is not providing industrial training on payment basis. In such a company you benefit if they have selected you as a prospective recruit and they take interest in training you as part of their manpower.
  2. Training is also possible in a Training Company, and it is likely to be on a payment basis. Here you should look for a company that has a well designed training material and provides video lectures and e-notes. If a company is making so much effort then most likely, it is dedicated and serious about 'training'.
Post by Hoven on 05-Jan-2025

User Reviews

Android Training in Chandigarh Reviewed by Ram Mohan Goyal on. Ultimate Treatment of Sockets in C#.NET. Rating: 4.94. I am very thankful to Hoven Software Mohali, who have given me a great and proper knowledge about This is my actual experience. I like the way of teaching. Before that I was like a white paper in programming point of view. But now I can say I have confidence and knowledge to develop a software in
Ram Mohan Goyal,

Useful Links

Six Month Industrial Training - Syllabus | Free Six Month Industrial Training in Chandigarh | C C++ Training Centres in Kharar, Mohali, Chandigarh | Java Training in Chandigarh | PHP Training in Chandigarh | Best PHP Training in Chandigarh | Industrial Training in Chandigarh for Six Months | Summer Training Chandigarh | Industrial Training in Chandigarh IT Park | Best C++ Coaching in Kharar - Attention CGC Landran Students | Hoven's Youtube Channel
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I am Hoven Trained

Android Training in ChandigarhThe experience I gained at Hoven was enriching. It enabled me to develop talents which I never knew that I possessed. It brought me into contact with experienced developers and guides with an astounding amount of knowledge and personal experience. I was suddenly brought down from an ivory tower into something very much like the "real world." Finally, these valuable experiences helped me advance along the path to self-realisation.
Roop Kamal kaur
C++ Developer
*Last one year
Hoven's Video Tutorials
Writing first Android App

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Learn with Hoven Apps
  1. .NET MVC Interview Questions
  2. .NET MVC Interview Questions and Solutions
  3. HR Interview Questions
  4. HR Interview Questions and Solutions
  5. Android Interview Questions and Solutions
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Android Training in Chandigarh
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