C# Training in ChandigarhC# Training in Chandigarh
C# Training in Chandigarh
C# Training in Chandigarh
C# Training in Chandigarh
>> >> Industrial Training in C# DOTNET

Industrial Training in C# DOTNET

Duration 3 weeks, Hoven Courses, Venue: Hoven. Limited Seats, Register Now !
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C# Training in Chandigarh
  1. The evolution of C#
  2. C# and the .NET infrastructure
  3. CLI/Managed Code
  4. Data Types - Declaring implicit and explicit variables, Value and Ref Types, Unicode Characters and Strings
  5. Definining and Calling Methods - Main, named and symbolic methods, exceptions, recovering resources
  6. Using .NET FCL
  7. C# Inheritance and Polymorphism rules
  8. Allocating memory with 'new'
  9. Passing initial values to Constructors
  10. New property syntax, automatic properties
  11. Named arguments
  12. Data Structures with C#
  13. Selecting a Collection class
  14. Increasing reliabiliy with generics
  15. Interfaces, events and delgates
  16. Manifests and Assemblies
  17. Extending System.ComponentModel.Component
  18. Accessing COM with C#

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  19. Implementing IEnumerable<T>
  20. Using LINQ and Lambda Expressions with Collections
  21. Graphics with C# - Linear Gradient Brush, Texture Brush, Solid Brush, Alpha Component
  22. Multimedia with C# - Building an ActiveX Video Player, ActiveX Game Player
  23. Netwoking with C# - Building a Socket based Chat Application
  24. Multithreading with C#, Semaphores, Mutexes and lock keyword. Launching a thread with Lambda Expressions.
  25. Binary Streams, Stream Readers and Writers

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C# Training in Chandigarh

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Here is an interesting thing - C#.NET 4 came with and interesting concept of Covariance and Contravariance. These concepts relate to inheritance with generic types. The .NET 4 version also came with 'Parallel Programming' TPL library that allows us to do multi-threading in a convenient and efficient way. Other interesting things that came were Code Contracts, DLR, Lazy Initialization.

Hoven has been working on DOTNET training programs so that DOTNET can be made more interesting and easier to grasp. We follow full coding and full-designer, both approaches for ASP.NET.

Post by Hoven on 05-Feb-2025

User Reviews

C# Training in Chandigarh Reviewed by Heena Arora on. Strongly Recommended for Industrial Training. Rating: 4.91. Before doing Asp.net I was thinking that programming is not my cup of tea... but after joining Hoven .. I got to know that I can do programming...I had great experiece in website development n thinking of gaining more knowledge in asp.net by doing more projects.
Heena Arora,
ASP.NET Developer

Useful Links

Six Month Industrial Training in DOTNET in Chandigarh | .NET Training in Chandigarh | Java Company in Chandigarh | Industrial Training in Android in Chandigarh | Six Months Industrial Training in PHP in Chandigarh | PHP Training in Chandigarh Mohali | Industrial Training | 6 Weeks Industrial Training in Chandigarh | Free Industrial Training for MCA in Chandigarh | Hoven's Youtube Channel
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C# Training in ChandigarhCongratulations on having the world's most inspirational, up-to-date, comprehensive, and easy-to-follow courses. Every time I worry about falling behind on something, you have it covered. I just wish I had more time to do everything. When I joined the corporate world I was terrified that I would have fallen behind in my skills; I was flabbergasted to find how "behind" some of these big corporations are, and how much time and money they waste trying to find out about things that you cover so neatly and comprehensively. I tell everyone about you.
Inderjit Kaur
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C# Training in Chandigarh
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