Industrial Training in Chandigarh IT ParkIndustrial Training in Chandigarh IT Park
Industrial Training in Chandigarh IT Park
Industrial Training in Chandigarh IT Park
Industrial Training in Chandigarh IT Park

Industrial Training in Chandigarh IT Park

Chandigarh IT Park has a number of IT companies at one location, and one of them could most likely be your future work place. It has offices of Infosys, Tech Mahindra, Airtel, etc., to name the bigger ones and a myriad of smaller ones.

Do all Companies Offer Training ?

Not all IT companies in the IT Park Chandigarh offer Industrial Training. In fact, none of the bigger companies with a reputation and standing offers six month, six week industrial training to students. This is a general trend that is being witnessed for the past few years. All big and well meaning companies recruit their prospective freshers and provide them training as a part of their induction process.

Is the Location Important ?

It is a mis-conception among students that location of the company where they get their industrial training matters as far as their job prospects are concerned. They think that by writing in their resume that they got their six month/week training in such and such company they would be able to make a great impression. I would say: just the contrary could happen. If you have been trained in a big company, then why did the company not itself get you absorbed ? Were you not upto their expectations ?

Getting Trained at Hoven ?

Hoven provides six month/six week industrial training at its own premises in Mohali. Hoven is primarily a software training company, and it specializes in training material and educational training softwares. The training at Hoven is well upto the best in industry standards. Our students have been selected and successfully placed in MNCs. They keep visiting us even now, just because they feel Hoven as their second home. After the training you get a training completion certificate + experience certificate co-terminus with the training period, if you made any significant contributions during your internship with us.

What are the Training Areas ?

You can opt for a combination of .NET + PHP, .NET + JAVA or JAVA + PHP. Each of these trainings also include complete Javascript, JQuery, HTML4 and HTML5 training modules.
Post by Hoven

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LectureHoven, Phase - X, Mohali,Chandigarh
LectureHoven, Phase - X, Mohali,Chandigarh
LectureHoven, Phase - X, Mohali,Chandigarh
LectureHoven, Phase - X, Mohali,Chandigarh

Useful Links

Six Month Industrial Training in DOTNET in Chandigarh | .NET Training in Chandigarh | Java Company in Chandigarh | Industrial Training in Android in Chandigarh | Six Months Industrial Training in PHP in Chandigarh | PHP Training in Chandigarh Mohali | Industrial Training | 6 Weeks Industrial Training in Chandigarh | Free Industrial Training for MCA in Chandigarh | Hoven's Youtube Channel
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I am Hoven Trained

Industrial Training in Chandigarh IT Park | HovenHoven's trainers are experts in the fields in which they teach - you benefit from their extensive, real world knowledge and expertise. The trainers are knowledgeable. They know the hurdles we face and our mind-set, so they know in advance the approaches we are likely to take and what mistakes we are likely to make. Hoven is indispensible for a fresher.
Sham Sunder
.NET Reporter
*Last one year
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