Live Project based ASP.NET MVC Training in ChandigarhLive Project based ASP.NET MVC Training in Chandigarh
Live Project based ASP.NET MVC Training in Chandigarh
Live Project based ASP.NET MVC Training in Chandigarh
Live Project based ASP.NET MVC Training in Chandigarh
>> >> Industrial Training in MVC DOTNET

Industrial Training in MVC DOTNET

Duration 4 weeks, Hoven Courses, Venue: Hoven. Limited Seats, Register Now !
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Live Project based ASP.NET MVC Training in Chandigarh
[Some knowledge of ASP.NET with C# is a pre-requisite for this course. One full hands-on project is done in this course.]

Course Objectives

Visual Studio 2013, MVC 5The Model View Controller Framework in ASP.NET provides a new way to develop Web applications for the .NET platform. It differs completely from the traditional ASP.NET development, and is much easier to learn. ASP.NET MVC is a more technically sound way of orgainizing code as it has an integrated support for software-testing which is impossible in traditional ASP.NET. In this hands-on course, you gain the skills required to effectively use ASP.NET MVC [with and without Razor syntax]to build complex Web applications in a much simpler way. You also learn to use the Entity Data Model.

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Course Content

  1. MVC Routing, Parameters from QueryString, HandleError, Custom HandleError, URL Routing scenarios
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  2. LINQ Collections, Method based syntax, LINQ Arithmetic, Preparing HTML, Group By, Projection, Filtering, Partitioning, Conversion, SkipWhile, etc.,
  3. LINQ with SQL Server without ORM designer, LINQ with ORM designer
  4. Custom LINQ, LINQ Extension Methods
  5. Directly querying a database with LINQ
  6. Models, EntityModels and ViewModels
  7. Generating the View
    1. Writing a dynamic view
    2. Extracting the data passed by the controller
    3. HTML helpers
    4. Writing custom HTML helpers
    5. MVC Templates
  8. Sending data to a view, sending a singular model object, sending a collection, sending a ViewModel, using a ViewBag, ViewBag vs Model, Sending a Model inside a ViewBag
  9. Modular View Design, Modular Layouts, ViewStart.cshtml file, Layout and scripts, merging scripts, Sections, View inside another View, PartialView in other Controllers
  10. MVC Annotations - Discrete Model and Designer Model
  11. HtmlDisplay Extensions, DisplayForModel, DisplayFor and using Display templates
  12. HTMLEdit Extensions, Session, EditFor customization, Edit Action Pair, Client Side validation
  13. Sending and receiving JSON
  14. ASP.NET like in-place editing with MVC, MVC and scripting
  15. MVC WebAPI
  16. JSON with WebAPI
  17. Unit testing, adding a unit test project, running unit tests.
  18. This course also includes three demo projects that demonstrate the concepts that you can apply in your own day to-day projects.

    Hoven's Tutorial on Expression Trees and Predicates

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  19. Action filtering
  20. Generating advanced operations by enhancing built-in controllers
  21. Decorating actions with additional behaviors
  22. Testing controllers outside of the server
  23. JSON and jQuery
    1. Introduction to jQuery for Rapid Web Development[RWD]
    2. jQuery $ selectors
    3. jQuery Animations
    4. Using jQuery Pluggins for richer client-side user interface
    5. Browser independepent behaviour
    6. JSON basics
    7. Updating and Removing tabular rows with AJAX-JSON
    8. Passing JSON data from MVC code to a javascript function
    9. Serializing Application data using JSON structures
  24. Securing an MVC Application
    1. Windows Based Authentication
    2. Accepting User Credentials with HTML-based forms
    3. Role Based Security
    4. Accessing user and role information in controllers
  25. A full ASP.NET MVC Website is developed as we go through the course, so that it is ready by the time the course finishes. The Website also integrates role based authentication.

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Live Project based ASP.NET MVC Training in Chandigarh

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Where should I get trained in MVC3? This is a question that will be in your mind once you reach your final semesters. There are a number of options with each having its pros and cons -
  1. Training is possible at a Software Company, but you should look for a company that is not providing industrial training on payment basis. In such a company you benefit if they have selected you as a prospective recruit and they take interest in training you as part of their manpower.
  2. Training is also possible in a Training Company, and it is likely to be on a payment basis. Here you should look for a company that has a well designed training material and provides video lectures and e-notes. If a company is making so much effort then most likely, it is dedicated and serious about 'training'.
Post by Hoven on 05-Jan-2025

User Reviews

Live Project based ASP.NET MVC Training in Chandigarh Reviewed by Dupinder Deep Kaur on. Best Programming Samples to Clarify Concepts. Rating: 4.92. I am thankful to the expert professionals who have assisted me in having a wonderful opportunity in completing my web-designing course because of which I am placed in a good firm. It is just because of the unmatched training programs provided in this training institute that I have gained knowledge and expertise in my domain.
Dupinder Deep Kaur

Useful Links

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Live Project based ASP.NET MVC Training in ChandigarhHoven enabled me to develop websites. And i want to learn more techniques as a software developer.
Hitesh Verma,
ASP.NET Developer
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Live Project based ASP.NET MVC Training in Chandigarh
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