Develop Programming SkillsDevelop Programming Skills
Develop Programming Skills
Develop Programming Skills
Develop Programming Skills
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Develop Programming Skills

Duration 6 weeks, Hoven Courses, Venue: Hoven. Limited Seats, Register Now !
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Develop Programming Skills

About this Course

Do you find it difficult to write programs ? Do you find it difficult to generate those star(*) based patterns ? Are you afraid of writing pointer based programs ? Then this course is meant for you. It will help you become a sharp programmer by radically improving your programming skills.

What is covered ?

This course takes you through a large number of programs in C/C++. For each program there is an in-depth explanation of the logic involved as well as the algorithm behind it. You will write each program and see it running. All topics are covered like loops, arrays, pointers, algorithms, variables, data types, nested loops, CStrings, classes, polymorphism, etc.,

What is the Training Method ?

This is 100% practical course. You must bring your laptop daily, we shall provide all necessary softwares and infrastructure.

Any Study Material Provided ?

We shall provide you complete study material package.

Preview of Nature of Programs to be Discussed

  1. Write a C program which finds the largest number and its position in an integer array of 10 elements.
  2. Write a C program that reads five numbers ( each between 1 and 30). For each number read, you program should print a line containing that number of asterisks. For example, if user enters the number seven, then your program should print - * * * * * * *.
  3. A factorial of a number 'n' is product of numbers from 1 up to number 'n'. For example, 5!=(1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5). Write a C program to accept an integer from the user and display a table of factorials till that number. Suppose user inputs 4, then the desired output is as follows
    1! = 1
    2! = 1 * 2
    3! = 1 * 2 * 3
    4! = 1 * 2 * 3 * 4
  4. Write a C program to create an array of 10 integer elements and initialize its elements with zeros. Receive 10 integers from the user at keyboard and store them in the array. Check whether array is "SYMMETRICAL" or not. To understand this concept clearly, read the following example. Suppose, we have an integer array with following elements
    a[0] = 909a[1] = 675a[2] = 345a[3] = 345a[4] = 675a[5] = 909where, a[0] = a[5]; a[1] = a[4]; and a[2] = a[3].Thus, this is a "SYMMETRICAL" array.

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  3. Programming Logic with C
  4. Programs in C
  5. C Quiz 2
  6. CPP Encryption Project
  7. C Quiz 3
  8. C Quiz 4

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Develop Programming Skills

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Here is an interesting thing - The size of an 'int' datatype in C/C++ is not specified by the C/C++ standards. So it is not necessarily 2-bytes on all compilers. Turbo compiler compiles an int to 2bytes, Visual C++ compiles it to 4-bytes. In contrast, an 'int' in Java and C# is standardised to 4-bytes, so these languages have platform indpendence.
Post by Hoven on 05-Feb-2025

User Reviews

Develop Programming Skills Reviewed by Harsimran Kaur on. Strongly Recommended for Android, PHP, Core JAVA, WPF. Rating: 4.92. It was a great honour for me to be a part of your organisation. I have a great experience working with you. I thank you for all your guidance and help me for making me so knowledgeful and also thanks for your support during the training period.
Harsimran Kaur,
.NET Developer

Useful Links

Six Month Industrial Training - Types | Six Month Industrial Training in Chandigarh | Training for 6 Months in Chandigarh | Industrial Training in JAVA in Chandigarh | Six Month Industrial Training in PHP in Chandigarh | PHP Training Chandigarh | Industrial Training in Chandigarh for Six Months, Six Weeks | 6 Months Industrial Training in Chandigarh for Free | Industrial Training in Chandigarh | Hoven's Youtube Channel
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Develop Programming SkillsI am very thankful to Hoven Software Mohali, who have given me a great and proper knowledge about This is my actual experience. I like the way of teaching. Before that I was like a white paper in programming point of view. But now I can say I have confidence and knowledge to develop a software in
Ram Mohan Goyal,
*Last one year
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