PHP Training  in ChandigarhPHP Training  in Chandigarh
PHP Training  in Chandigarh
PHP Training  in Chandigarh
PHP Training  in Chandigarh
>> >> Industrial Training in PHP

Industrial Training in PHP

Duration 7 weeks, Hoven Courses, Venue: Hoven. Limited Seats, Register Now !
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PHP Training  in Chandigarh
  1. Evolution of PHP
  2. PHP Variables and Datatypes
  3. Using constants
  4. PHP classes and Objects
  5. Storing values in scalar variables
  6. Global variables
  7. Embedding PHP code into html
  8. Writing user defined functions
  9. Passing args and default values
  10. require_once
  11. Manipulating strings
  12. IO functions for reading and writing data
  13. $_REQUEST, $_GET, $_POST
  14. MySQL and PDO for Data accessing
  15. Cookies
  16. AJAX and Javascript with PHP
  17. Google Captcha
  18. Flash Charts from Dynamic Data
  19. Facebook Integration with PHP Graph APIs
  20. Advanced Object Oriented PHP
  21. Joomla and WordPress

    Hoven's Tutorial on Cookies with PHP

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  22. Live Project
NOTE: Class duration is approx. 1 to 1-1/2 hours daily.

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PHP Training in Chandigarh

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What is an Array ?

A variable is a storage area holding a number or text. The problem is, a variable will hold only one value. An array is a special variable, which can store multiple values in one single variable.

An array can hold all your variable values under a single name. And you can access the values by referring to the array name. Each element in the array has its own index so that it can be easily accessed.
In PHP, there are three kind of arrays:

  1. Numeric array: An array with a numeric index
  2. Associative array: An array where each ID key is associated with a value
  3. Multidimensional array: An array containing one or more arrays
Hoven's Six Month Industrial Training in Chandigarh covers these fundamental concepts in professional detail. You can also join PHP Training in Chandigarh to become a professional PHP developer. Hoven Trainings Video Channel | Features of Six Month Industrial Training @Hoven
Post by Hoven on 05-Dec-2024

User Reviews

PHP Training in Chandigarh Reviewed by Ram Mohan Goyal on. Best E-Books for Self Study. Rating: 4.92. I am very thankful to Hoven Software Mohali, who have given me a great and proper knowledge about This is my actual experience. I like the way of teaching. Before that I was like a white paper in programming point of view. But now I can say I have confidence and knowledge to develop a software in
Ram Mohan Goyal,

Useful Links

Six Month Industrial Training - Types | Six Month Industrial Training in Chandigarh | Training for 6 Months in Chandigarh | Industrial Training in JAVA in Chandigarh | Six Month Industrial Training in PHP in Chandigarh | PHP Training Chandigarh | Industrial Training in Chandigarh for Six Months, Six Weeks | 6 Months Industrial Training in Chandigarh for Free | Industrial Training in Chandigarh | Hoven's Youtube Channel
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PHP Training  in ChandigarhI have never experienced the way in which Hoven taught me, our facilitator has given each and every student personal attention, he is there to help me. It's a great institute. after joining Hoven I have developed confidence in myself.
Nancy Chauhan
Ionnor Solutions
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Creating MySQL Proc with NetBeans

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