6 Months Industrial Training in Chandigarh for Free6 Months Industrial Training in Chandigarh for Free
6 Months Industrial Training in Chandigarh for Free
6 Months Industrial Training in Chandigarh for Free
6 Months Industrial Training in Chandigarh for Free

6 Months Industrial Training in Chandigarh for Free

Every student says, "Oh ! If I could earn while learning !". No doubt many institutes and companies start offering free training with stipend, to attract students. The idea looks great, but has its own pitfalls -

Is it a Win-Win Situation ?

A win-win situation is a managerial term where both the contending parties end-up in positive profits. If you are a contender, and the training company is the other contender, then could it be possible that you also gain and they also gain ?

Your gain is - saving money ? or getting knowledge ? To explain it better, if you spend money, you get knowledge, and if you save money you donot get knowledge. Nothing comes for free, and atleast good quality knowledge never comes for free.

Free is at a Cost

If you are getting training free of cost, then you must be doing something for the company. It might be alright if by doing something for the company gives you a value addition, but in reality it is rarely so. The company will give you smaller works like -
  1. Content Writing
  2. Data Entry
  3. Writing documentation
  4. Making Presentations
But where are you learning the coding ?

Free Hoven Trainings

Hoven Trainings are not free. We spend time and invest money in preparing the best training schedules and training softwares. For us training is a profession. For us training is about right delivery of information. Training is imparting skills in a professional way.
Post by Hoven

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LectureHoven, Phase - X, Mohali,Chandigarh
LectureHoven, Phase - X, Mohali,Chandigarh
LectureHoven, Phase - X, Mohali,Chandigarh

Useful Links

Six Month Industrial Training in DOTNET in Chandigarh | .NET Training in Chandigarh | Java Company in Chandigarh | Industrial Training in Android in Chandigarh | Six Months Industrial Training in PHP in Chandigarh | PHP Training in Chandigarh Mohali | Industrial Training | 6 Weeks Industrial Training in Chandigarh | Free Industrial Training for MCA in Chandigarh | Hoven's Youtube Channel
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6 Months Industrial Training in Chandigarh for Free | HovenHoven's trainers are experts in the fields in which they teach - you benefit from their extensive, real world knowledge and expertise. The trainers are knowledgeable. They know the hurdles we face and our mind-set, so they know in advance the approaches we are likely to take and what mistakes we are likely to make. Hoven is indispensible for a fresher.
Sham Sunder
.NET Reporter
*Last one year
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Saving Data with ASPNET

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