Free Industrial Training for MCA in ChandigarhFree Industrial Training for MCA in Chandigarh
Free Industrial Training for MCA in Chandigarh
Free Industrial Training for MCA in Chandigarh
Free Industrial Training for MCA in Chandigarh

Free Industrial Training for MCA in Chandigarh

Industrial Training is also called internship. During this internship a student spends time in a software concern rather than in his college classrooms or labs.

Can Industrial Training be Free ?

Many companies in Chandigarh provide Industrial Training on paid basis, while some of claim that they provide it for free also. You reached this page searching for free training, but you should read on the whole post. Asking for free Industrial Training is being eutopian. When you stay at premises of a company even for five minutes, the company incurs a cost in bearing you there. That cost may be as menial as a ten rupee electricity spent on you. I hope it is clear whether Industrial Training could be really free.

Learning or Earning ?

The duration of Industrial Training could be spent earning in some companies, and in that case free industrial training is very much possible. But is that Training ? or a paid employment. When you are being offered free training, what you are being offered is not training, but a disguised small term employment for an activity for which you happen to be a cheap labor. The whole show is run at the cost of your precious time.

Free Industrial Training and your Career ?

Free Industrial is not likely to bring any benefit to your career, especially if you plan a career in computer programming. It might be of some use if you are thinking of a career line in testing or data-entry.

Learning or Working ?

Many students donot want to be a burden on their parents so they become desperate to earn as soon as possible. Hey ? You spent money on studying for five semesters, and now you want to spoil all that ? It is like a football match where a team puts in a lot of effort in bringing the ball to the striking circle, and just at the right time it backs out and starts thinking otherwise.

It is the time to learn, not earn. This time is very crucial also, because no where in your career are you going to get so much free time to learn.

Free Industrial Training at Hoven

Hoven doesnot provide free Industrial Training.

Impact of Free Industrial Training on Job Prospects

Free Industrial Training doesnot improve your job prospects at the company where you are going to get trained. The company is probably looking only for cheap labor - if they got you this time, they will get someone else the next time. You are not likely to fit in the picture. And, they also know that you are not sufficiently trainined in latest technologies.
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Useful Links

Six Month Industrial Training - Types | Six Month Industrial Training in Chandigarh | Training for 6 Months in Chandigarh | Industrial Training in JAVA in Chandigarh | Six Month Industrial Training in PHP in Chandigarh | PHP Training Chandigarh | Industrial Training in Chandigarh for Six Months, Six Weeks | 6 Months Industrial Training in Chandigarh for Free | Industrial Training in Chandigarh | Hoven's Youtube Channel
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Free Industrial Training for MCA in Chandigarh | HovenI've found that with other training providers, the chances are 50-50 of having a good experience. But with Hoven, from the very first class, I have always been impressed with how professional they are. Every instructor has been equally impressive. I have never been disappointed.
Aditya Jasrotia,
OAT India Pvt. Ltd. Mohali
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